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英语句型:Be in the Air 即将发生的事情

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-2-11 【我来说两句

在英语中,如果我们感觉什么事情即将要发生,比如天黑下来了,马上就要下雨了。或者什么事情会发生改变,比如事情的结果会发生变化。这时候我可以用这个句型来表达:Be in the Air

In English, if the feeling or idea that something new is about to happen or is going to change, we say "something be in the air"


For example:

1. From the arguments going on at the meeting, it seems that a change in policy is in the air.

2. The weather is clouded, it seems that the rain is in the air.

Got it?

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