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It's Time to...该做什么的时候了?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-11 【我来说两句


Dialogue 2

M: Excuse me. Have you got the time?

W: My watch says half past five.

M: Does your watch keep good time?

W: Oh yeah. It loses only a few seconds in the whole month.

M: Thanks a lot.

Dialogue 3

W: Good afternoon.

M: My goodness! It’s the afternoon? Doesn’t the time fly! Do come in and sit down.

W: Thank you.

M: What’s the time? My watch has stopped.

W: It’s half past twelve.

M: When do you have lunch?

W: From one to two.

M: What do you normally eat?

W: We usually go to the cafeteria.

M: Oh, it’s time to have lunch now.

W: let’s go together.

Every one should observe time and never idle little away. In America almost every American wears a watch and in nearly every room in the American home there’s a clock. “Be on time!” “Don’t waste time!” “Time is money.” “Time waits for no one.” All of these sayings reflect the American obsession with properness and efficiency. Students will discipline their teachers when they arrive late. Anyway, we should form the good habit of being punctual. If we can save time we can make more contributions.


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