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10.谈论日期英语口语About Dates

作者:ABC    文章来源:英语阅读网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-23 【我来说两句


1. What day is today? 今天星期几?

2. Today is Monday. 今天星期一。

3. What's the date today? 今天几号?

4. Today is May 21st. 今天是五月二十一号。

5. When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?

6. I was born on September 1st, 1976. 我出生在1976年9月1日。

7. What time? 什么时候?

8. You name the time. 你定时间吧。

9. I'll meet you tomorrow. 我们明天见面。

10. Do you know the exact date? 你知道确切日期吗?

11. Please check the date. 请核实一下日期。

12. What were you doing this time last year? 去年这时候你在干什么?

13. How long will the sale last? 折价销售多久?

14. Only three days. 仅三天。

15. I'll be back in 5 days. 我五天之后回来。


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