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Central Bank中央银行相关英语词汇

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-11-5 【我来说两句

 1.Every country with an established banking system has a central bank, which acts as banker to the Government in the widest sense. 每个有完整金融体系的国家都有中央银行,广义而言,中央银行是政府的银行。

  (1)介词短语with an established banking system在句中做后置定语,修饰前面的country。

  (2) which acts as…是非限制性定语从句,对其先行词a central bank作补充说明。

  (3)banker to the Government政府的银行

  (4)in the widest sense广义而言

  sense n.意思,意义

  例:in a sense


  2.It liaises with and advises the Government on monetary policy and ensures that the necessary steps are taken to carry it through. 中央银行就货币政策和政府保持联系,充当政府的顾问,并采取必要措施,以保证货币政策的贯彻实施。


  (2)monetary policy货币政策

  monetary adj.①of or relating to money金钱的:金钱的或与之有关的

  ②of or relating to a nation's currency or coinage.See Synonyms at financial


  例:The monetary system of certain countries used to be based on gold.


  (3)ensure vt.to make sure or certain; insure:


  例:Our precautions ensured our safety.



  (4)step n.one of a series of actions, processes, or measures taken to achieve a goal.步骤:一系列为达到某一目的的行动、过程或措施中的一环

  to take steps采取步骤;采取措施

  3.Central banks differ from commercial banks in many respects.中央银行与商业部银行在许多方面存在着差别。

  (1)differ vi.(常与with连用)不同意;意见相左

  例:They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.


  (2)respect n.a particular aspect, feature, or detail:某方面:某个方面、某种特征或细节

  例:In many respects this is an important decision.


  4.They(Central banks) do not aim to maximize profits, which is traditionally an objective of a commercial bank owned by shareholders (central banks are normally nationalized institutions). 中央银行的宗旨不是利润最大化,利润最大化历来是股份制商业银行的目标(中央银行一般是国家机关)。

  (1)aim vi.①to determine a course决定;旨在:决定一个过程:

  例:aim for a better education.


  ②to propose to do something; intend打算;企图

  (2)an objective of a commercial bank商业银行的经营目标

  (3) maximize vt.to increase or make as great as possible:最大化:使增加(扩大)到最大限度

  (4)profit n.①an advantageous gain or return; benefit.得益:得利或回报;收益

  ②the return received on a business undertaking after all operating expenses have been met.利润:一笔生意中除去所有的运作费用后所得的回报

  (5)(that is)owned by shareholders是后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,省略了that is。

  5.They(Central banks) do not provide a full banking service for personal and commercial customers. 中央银行对个人及商业客户不提供全面的金融服务。

  (1)full banking service全面的金融业务

  full adj.complete in every particular:完全的,完整的

  service n.work done for others as an occupation or a business:服务:作为职业或事业为他人服务

  例:provide full catering service.



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