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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-19 【我来说两句


卤水拼盘 Marinated delights combination
卤水鹅片 Slices of marinated goose
卤水掌亦 Marinated goose webs and wings
卤水鹅杂 Marinated goose giblet
卤水五花腩肉 Marinated pork’s brisket
潮州猪脚冻 Gelationed pork shank (chiu chow)style
潮式四喜大拼盘 Four marinated delights combination(for 6 persons)
冻银雪鱼 Cold silver cod
冻乌鱼 cold grey mullet
冻红蟹 Cold spotted crab
老鼠斑 King garoupa
苏眉 “So-mei”fish
青衣 Green wrasse
红斑 Pink garoupa
东星斑 Spotted garoupa
黄鱧鲳 pomfret
红纹煲上,清蒸,上汤煮,咸菜煮,冬菜煮(braised in casserole; steamed; simmered with soup
simmered; steamed with preserved vegetable)
两食——油炮及炆头腩 (2 flavours – sautéed & braised)
龙虾 lobster
刺身 sashimi
上汤,牛油芝士,油炮,生炊,沙律(sautéed with soup; baked with cheese; sautéed; steamed; fresh fruit salad)
    生中虾 Prawn
白灼,蒜茸开边,食油皇局,火焰醉翁虾 (Boiled; steamed with garlic; panfried with soya sauce; Flame Drunken )
活鲍鱼 Abalone
清蒸,燉汤 (steamed, Double boiled with herbs)
    生炊蝴蝶跄鱼 Steamed whole filet pomfret in chiu chow style(preparation time 1 hour)
生炊跄鱼 Steamed pomfret
芝麻炆鱼鳔 Braised fish maw with sesame sauce
火腿虾崧 Sauteed minced prawns with “jinhua”ham
干炸虾卷 Deep-fried minced prawn roll
玻璃酥虾 Deep-fried prawn
潮州蠔烙 pan-fried oyster omelette
干炸发财卷 Deep-fried sea moss rolls
生炊乌鱼 Steamed grey mullet
梅子明炉乌鱼Steamed grey mullet with plum
草菇火腩炆芥蓝 Braised pork’s brisket with straw mushroom and kale
方鱼炒菜苗 Sauteed garden green with dried fish
金华四宝蔬 Braised assorted vegetable with “jinhua” ham
川椒明虾玉带 Spiced prawn and scallops in chili sauce
酿金钱花菰 Stuffed mushroom with mashed shrimp
菜脯肉碎煎蛋 Scrambled eggs with minced meat and preserved turnip
红烧四喜豆腐煲 Braised assorted meats with bean curd
玉兰蒸蟹球 Steamed crab meat ball wit vegetable
中芹方鱼炒带子 Sauteed scallops and dried fish with celery
干炸豆腐角 Deep-fried bean curd (chiu chow) style
    正宗潮州干烧伊面 Traditional chiu chow fried E-fu noodle
    咸肉、姜米、咸菜粒炒饭 Fried rice with smoked pork, egg &preserved leaf mustard dices
    菜脯蛋、肉碎炒河粉 Fried rice noodle with minced pork, egg and preserved turnips
    沙茶牛肉炒面 Fried noodle with sliced beef in satay sauce
    潮州煎粉果 Pan-fried chiu chow meat dumplings(6 pc)
家乡糯米卷 Steamed glutinous rice rolls (6 pc)
芋丝炸春卷 Crispy spring rolls (6 pc)
咸水晶包 steamed crystal dumplings chiu chow style (6 pc)
鲍鱼三丝粥 Shredded meat and abalone congee
干贝肉碎粥 Minced pork and copoy in congee
跄鱼片粥 Sliced pomfret congee
方鱼肉碎粥 Dried fish and minced meat congee
潮州蠔仔粥 Traditional chiu chow oyster congee
潮州泡饭 Rice in soup chiu chow style
    揶汁燉官燕 double-boiled sweetened superior bird’s nest in coconut milk
    芙蓉燉官燕 Scrambled egg white with superior bird’s nest
    家乡甜汤 Sweetened gingko with green bean in syrup
    福果甜芋泥 sweetened mashed taro paste with gingko
    福果马蹄泥 Sweetened mashed water chestnut with gingko
    芋茸西米露 Sweetened sago and taro in soup
    生磨马蹄爽 Sweetened water chestnut and gingko in soup
    羔烧地瓜 Steamed sweet potato dumpling in syrup
    返沙香芋 Sweetened taro (8 pcs)
    炸黄金油稞(6粒)Deep-fried pastry stuffed with peanuts & sesame (6 pcs)

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