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作者:stephen    文章来源:沪江英语    点击数:    更新时间:2011-5-17 【我来说两句

Four Seasons Hotel, Mumbai-四季酒店,孟买

The Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai is perfectly placed in an area that’s undergoing a process of swift gentrification and now calls itself mid-town Mumbai.

On one side the Haji Ali mosque landmark leads south to Colaba and on the other the sealink takes you north to Bandra and beyond.
南边是向着Colaba区的地标Haji Ali清真寺,另一边是通往北面Bandra区,还有更远的大桥。

It is, in part, because of this situational and logistical advantage that the Four Seasons has become one of the top three business hotels in Mumbai since it opened three years ago.

No other hotel offers this 360-degree view of old Bombay and new Mumbai. The choice of views is comprehensive -- Arabian sea view, historic mill district view, Sealink bridge view, Mahalaxmi Racecourse view, with a dash of construction and slums thrown in for good measure -- because that is real Mumbai. Not some picture post-card.
没有酒店能提供这种孟买(旧称 Bombay,现称 Mumbai)360 度的景观。观景的选择十分全面:阿拉伯海景、历史上有名的纺织厂区景、大桥景、Mahalaxmi 马场景,还有附带着少量的工程及贫民区——毕竟那是真正的孟买。这不是一些明信片的照片。

Insider tip: Aer bar, the highest bar in Mumbai, takes over the entire open-air rooftop on the 34th floor of the Four Seasons. With Champagne served by the glass, you can watch the sunset over the Arabian sea, spot the billion-dollar home of Mukesh Ambani and get a bird’s eye-view of some slums too as Mumbai’s richest and poorest jostle for space.
内幕消息:位于四季酒店的34楼露天楼顶,Aer bar是孟买最高的酒吧。一边享受香槟,一边看阿拉伯海的日落,也可看到Mukesh Ambani 价值亿万的豪宅,还有鸟瞰一些贫民区,最富有和最贫穷的都在争夺那些空间。


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