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水货的英语是:parallel import/grey product

作者:stephen    文章来源:英语点津    点击数:    更新时间:2009-7-9 【我来说两句

古语说:“物以稀为贵”,应该没几个人不赞成吧。越稀有的东西,就越被人追捧,人们想要得到它的愿望也就越强烈。古时候,外邦进贡的稀罕玩意儿只有皇室贵族大臣们有机会把玩。到了现在,进口商品随处可见,只要有钱,你就可以拥有。没钱?那你可以去买grey product(水货)。

A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey product, and are implicated in issues of international trade, and intellectual property.

Parallel import(平行进口商品)指的是未经产品知识产权所有人允许而从别国进口的非仿冒品(真品)。此类商品通常被称为“灰色产品”(即我们所说的“水货”),在国际贸易和知识产权领域颇有争议。

Companies, either the manufacturer or the distributor, set different price points for their products in different markets. Parallel importers ordinarily purchase products in one country at a price (P1) which is cheaper than the price at which they are sold in a second country (P2), import the products into the second country, and sell the products in that country at a price which is usually between P1 and P2.



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