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网瘾是病吗?Internet Addiction?

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-11-6 【我来说两句

在学习这个话题之前,我们先来学习一下网瘾的英语翻译是:Internet Addiction


Internet Addiction?

A quiet restaurant. Good wine. An animated conversation. Then, mid-sentence, you catch him steal a quick sideways downward glance at his BlackBerry. And the nickname CrackBerry comes to mind. You might think: for some, the Internet is an addiction.

Well as psychology experts ramp up to publish the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a debate has begun on whether to include Internet addiction in the next big book of mental illness. This month the Canadian Medical Association Journal published an article weighing both sides.

Kimberly Young, director of The Center for Internet Addiction, says that while it might not be a well-defined illness, those who spend excessive amounts of time online suffer the same issues as other addicts, including lost jobs, broken marriages, or financial problems. Young says if it’s the cause of major issues in your life, then you have a problem.

But Vaughan Bell, at the department of neuroscience at King’s College London, says that the Internet is not an activity and so can’t be an addiction. He acknowledges that people can spend excessive time online, perhaps as an escape from depressionor anxiety, but to label the use of the Web as the central problem or an addiction does a disservice. His concern is that the focus needs to be on the real illness, not on the “medium of communication.”

Of course, maybe some thought needs to be turned the many different activities one can do on the Web. Pornography and gambling, for instance, are well-known addictions.
In any event both Young and Bell admit that research on Internet addiction is limited and inconsistent, so far. And for that reason Bell says it will be tough to support its addition to the list of new afflictions.

在一个安静餐馆里,你和朋友喝着上好的葡萄酒,交谈也非常投机。说话之中,你发现他悄悄地瞟了一眼他的黑莓手机(BlackBerry)。这让你想起了一 个昵称“CrackBerry”(Crack有“毒品”的意思,CrackBerry 指用黑莓手机上瘾的人)。你可能会想:对某些人来说,上网是一种瘾。

就在心理学家们紧锣密鼓准备出版下一版《心理疾病的诊断统计手册》的时候,有关是否把网瘾包括到心理疾病来的争论也已经开始了。本月发表在《加拿大医学会 杂志》(Canadian Medical Association Journal )上的一篇文章对这个问题的正反两个方面都进行了讨论。


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