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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-1-29 【我来说两句


Ⅸ. Sightseeing in Guangzhou 游览广州

  85. it's a nice day.    天气真好。

  86. What can I see in Guangzhou?  广州有什么景点?

  87. The Museum of the Western Han Dynasty

  (Mauseum of the Nanyue King is worth visiting. )


  88. You can take a night cruise on the Pearl River.


  89. How much is the entrance fee?  门票是多少?

  90. How many tickets do you want?  你需要几张票?

  91. Enjoy your time! 玩得开心!

  92. Beautiful! / Great! 太美了!/ 太棒了!

  93. Would you take a picture of me?你能帮我照张相吗?

  (May I take a picture of you?) (我可以给你照张相吗?)

  (May I take a picture here?)  (我可以在这里照相吗?)

  94. Please mind your belongings. 请看管好随身物品。

  Please mind your head.    小心碰头。

  Please mind your step. 小心地滑。/小心台阶。/ 当心脚下。


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