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作者:stephen    文章来源:英语点津    点击数:    更新时间:2009-10-13 【我来说两句


   4) Calling cards are cheaper than putting change into a public phone. They are a lot cheaper than calling collect.使用电话卡比使用公共电话便宜。比对方付费的电话便宜得多。

   5) A phone card is different, as it is only a one-use card. You must also pay in advance to use a phone card.还有一种电话卡与上述的电话卡不同。因为它是一次性电话卡,因此,你得先付费才能使用。


Gordon's voice mail: Hi, this is Gordon, I am not in the office at the moment. You have reached Gordon's voicemail. If you are calling for an appointment, press 1. If your are calling from IBM, press 2. If you are making a personal, call press 3.

Beth: I need an appointment, so I'll press number 1.

Gordon: You have chosen number 1, an appointment.

Beth: That is correct.

Gordon: Welcome to the appointment section. If you want an appointment this week, press 1. If you want an appointment after this week, press 2.

Beth: I need an appointment this week, so I will press 1.

Gordon: You have chosen an appointment for this week. After the beep, please leave a message including your name and contact info. Press the pound (#) key when you are finished.

Beth: Hello, I am Beth Kelly. I need an appointment ASAP to talk with you about the media contract. Call me at 410-555-1212. Thanks for your time. Now I will press the pound key. (#)

Gordon: Thank you for leaving a message. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


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