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29、我只是有点紧张Just a little nervous

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-11 【我来说两句


Mary: I guess I'm just a little nervous. I'm giving everything I have to InfoKing, and...

玛莉: 我猜我只是有点紧张。 我把所有都给了“资讯王”,而且......

Zina: ...and what if it doesn't 1) work out, right?

吉娜: ......而且要是行不通怎么办,对不对?

Mary: 2) Exactly.

玛莉: 完全正确。

Zina: You need to 3) quit thinking like a loser. InfoKing is going to 4) kick butt. You know how I know?

吉娜: 你别那么没志气了。“资讯王”会所向披靡的。你知道我怎么知道吗?

Mary: How?

玛莉: 怎么知道?

Zina: Because I won't let it fail.

吉娜: 因为我不会让它失败。

Mary: But what about tomorrow? What if Stars.com decides to go with WebTracker, and not us?

玛莉: 可是明天呢?要是Stars.com决定跟“网路搜寻家”走,而非我们?



A: You're saying that you didn't steal the loaf of bread?


B: That's exactly right. I'm an honest man.



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