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20、我要有动力I need to be motivated

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-1-24 【我来说两句


Vince: Your 3.5 percent 1) share is going to be worth at least a million.

文斯: 你那百分之三·五的股权,将会值个百万以上。

Zina: I need to be 2) motivated, Vince. 3) Multi-motivated. As in multi-million.

吉娜: 我得要有动力,文斯。多重动力,多重百万的多重。

Vince: What if I said no?

文斯: 要是我说不呢?

Zina: Ever hear of WebTracker?

吉娜: 有听过“网路搜寻家”吗?

Vince: You wouldn't! If you leave, you'll make nothing.

文斯: 你不会那样吧!你若是离开,连半毛都赚不到。

Zina: I might make nothing even if I stay. For that kind of risk, I want to get rich.

吉娜: 我留下搞不好也赚不到半毛。 基于这种风险,我要发财。

Vince: OK. If you sign the Stars.com 4) account before WebTracker does, we'll talk next week.

文斯: 好吧。若是你早“网路搜寻家”一步签下Stars.com这个客户,我们就等下星期再谈。



A: Don't you want to go and exercise?


B: Yes, but I can't seem to get motivated.



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