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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-8-25 【我来说两句


    E.O.S. end of season 季末

    eq. equivalent 等值的,等量的

    e.q.m. equal quantity monthly 每月相等的数量

    Et.seq. Et sequentia(and other things) 及以下所棕述的

    Et.al. Et.alibi(and elsewhere) 等等

    e.t.a.;eta;ETA estimated(expected)time of arrival 预计到时间

    etc. et cetera(L.)=and others 等等

    ETCL;etcl expected time of commencement of loading 预计开装时间

    etd;ETD estimated(expected)time of departure 预计离港时间

    ETDEL expected time of delivery 预计交货时间

    ETFD expected time of finishing discharging 预计卸完时间

    ETFL expected time of finishing loading 预计装完时间

    ex per or out of 搭乘

    ex. excluding 除外;example 例子;样本

    Exch. exchange,兑换;汇兑

    Excl. exclusive or excluding 除外

    ex.int. ex interest 无利息

    exp. export 出口

    Exs. expenses 费用

    Ext. extra 特别的;额外的

    F degree Fahrenheit 华氏度数

    F.A. free alongside(ship) (船)边交货

    f/a/a;F.A.A. free from all average 分损不赔(

    f.a.c. fast as can 尽快

    f.a.q.;E.A.Q. fair average quality 大路货;中等品质

    f.a.s.;F.A.S. free alongside ship 船边交货价

    F.B. freight bill 运费单


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