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作者:stephen    文章来源:英语点津    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-3 【我来说两句

Four Steps to a Better Job Interview


Here's a question I often hear: What are some things I can do to prepare for a job interview?


Answer: There really aren't too many things in life more awkward than a job interview. You're dressed in formal business clothing, sitting across from a stranger. This stranger has the right to ask you anything from the most elaborate to the most mundane questions. And you have to spend an hour talking about nothing but yourself. Actually it sounds pretty similar to a blind date!


Just like a blind date, there are something you need to avoid and something you need to do if you want to make it to the next level.



1. Don't try to outwit or outguess the interviewer.


Most candidates go into a job interview thinking it's a contest where the goal is to defeat the interviewer in some type of battle of wits.


"Aha, Brad has asked me this question. Clearly, that is some type of trick question. I just don't know what the trick is yet. Here's how I would normally answer the question, but instead I should say what he probably wants to hear."


That thinking is when good interviews go bad. Sit back, relax, and pretend it is a conversation with a friend.



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