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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-1-19 【我来说两句

A big job interview is coming up and you are feeling very confident. You have anticipated the questions they might ask and have prepared some great answers. Fresh copies of your resume are sitting in your backpack. Wait a minute. Did you say backpack? Are you really going to walk into a job interview carrying a backpack? Next thing you'll say is that you're planning to wear jeans and a t-shirt. Uh-oh. You better ask yourself these questions before you get dressed。


What should I wear?


Generally, it's a good idea to wear a suit for a job interview. Go with something simple, in a neutral tone. The more conservative your field is, the more conservative your suit should be. For example, if you're applying for a job in an investment firm, go with a navy blue or dark gray suit。


What if my interview is for a job in a more casual setting?


It's a good idea to match your interview attire to the prospective job. If you are applying for a job working on a warehouse floor, you will look out of place wearing a formal suit. Keeping that in mind, dress a little better than you would for a day at work and make sure your clothes are neat and clean。


My interview is for a job in an accounting firm. Traditionally this field is conservative, but this particular firm may be a little more casual. How should I dress?


You can't go wrong in a suit, but if you want to give more of an impression of "fitting in" then you need to find out how people actually dress for work at that firm. One way to do this is to observe people arriving for work. Choose any day other than a Friday, which is when some companies allow more casual dress. Again, follow the rule of dressing better for the interview than you would for a typical day at the office。


Do I have to buy a new s

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