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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-11-18 【我来说两句


R reduced class rate (rate classification) 降低等级费率

rcpt receipt 收据

rcvd received 收讫(发票)

r/c return cargo 回程货

RCU rate construction unit 运价结构单位

RD Running days 连续

RE Refer to/Regarding 有关

RECAP Recapitulation 概括

red. Reduced 降低

REDEL Redelivery 交还

ref reference 参考

rep representative 代表

Rentcon rent-a-container 租一个集装箱

rest. Restrict(ed) 限制,受限制的

retd. Returned or retired 返回的或退休的

RGDS Regards 问候

R.I. Reinsurance 分保

RID International regulations concerning the International carriage of dangerous goods by rail 国际铁路运输危险货物国际规则

RMD Rhine-Main-Danube Navigation System 莱茵河-梅恩河-多瑙河航行制度

RNR rate not reported 费率未公布

R/O routing order 常规顺序

ROB Remaining on board 遗留船上

ROC Refer to our telex 参阅我们的电传

R.O.G. receipt of goods 货物收据

RO/RO Roll-on/roll-off 滚动装卸运输

round C/P round charter party 双程租船合同

r.t.b.a. rate to be arranged 费率另议(费率按协议)

Ry. Railway 铁路

RYT Rerfer to your telex 参阅你们的电传


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