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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标教育网www.59edu.com    点击数:    更新时间:2008-3-2 【我来说两句






The fourth biggest city in Germany, with over one million inhabitants, Cologne (Köln in German) began life as a Roman colony or colonia (hence its name). Its location on the Rhine, at the heart of Germania, was key to its status as capital of the province. The city became a centre for worship, famous for the legend and cult of Santa Ursula, and built several splendid Romanesque churches, which survive today.

By the Middle Ages, Cologne was one of the most important cities in the Holy Roman Empire and in 1248 work began on its mighty cathedral, designed to house the relics of the Three Wise Men. Known as the Dom (pronounced dome), it was once the world’s tallest building and is arguably still the world’s greatest Gothic edifice, attracting pilgrims from all over Europe, even though it was not to be completed for another six centuries. It is still Germany’s most visited attraction.

Begun in 1248 and completed in 1880, Cologne Cathedral is a celebration of the finest aspects of Gothic architecture with intricate detail and elaborate decoration. Its twin towers stand 157m (515ft) above the city, on the left bank of the Rhine, and made the cathedral the tallest structure in the world until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. The interior is equally impressive, with 14th-century stained glass, a resplendent choir, and a large gold shrine, considered a masterpiece of medieval goldwork. Remarkably the cathedral survived a total of 14 bomb raids during World War II and today visitors can climb the tower for superb views over Cologne and the Rhineland.

The city suffered terribly in WWII, losing most of its historic centre, and only a small proportion of the Altstadt, right by the river, survives, or has been reconstructed in its original form.

Modern day pilgrims come not only to the awe-inspiring Dom and Romanesque churches, but to the city’s fine museums (featuring rich Roman remains and an important artistic heritage) and to sample the city’s famous hospitality in its brewhouses (Cologne boasts more breweries than any other European city). Despite its strong religious background, Cologne has a reputation as a goodtime town and its Carnival is one of the biggest in Europe.






罗马日尔曼博物馆(Romisch-Germanisches Museum),紧挨着大教堂,展出罗马时代和古日尔曼时代的文物。包括雕塑、钱币、玻璃器皿及罗马时代的马赛克镶嵌画。

东亚艺术博物馆(Museum Fur Ostasiatische Kunst),收藏有中国、朝鲜和日本的艺术品。后面还有景致的日本式花园。

科隆的展览中心(Koln Messe),科隆每年都举办很多世界著名的博览会、行业展览会。著名的有国际五金展、国际家电展、国际家具展等。



商业街:出了大教堂便是叫高街(Hohe Str.)的繁华商业街。

科隆-波恩机场(Flughafen Koln-Bonn)在科隆与波恩中间,是两城市共用的机场。机场代号CGN,距离科隆20公里。乘出租车到市区要20分钟。有火车连接机场到科隆中心火车站和杜塞尔多夫火车站。

科隆火车站(Koln Hauptbahnhof):是德国西部重要的中转站。前往比利时、法国的火车大多需要在此中转。科隆火车站有两个出站口西面的出口出站就是科隆大教堂,公共车站在东面的出口外。


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