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作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-7-6 【我来说两句

The most understated of australia's state capitals, adelaide is a charming, medium-sized city with a contemporary edge. its dry, mediterranean climate means that most visitors will spend much of their time outside, wandering the central business district (cbd) and its surrounding green belt of parks and gardens, or perhaps dining alfresco at one of the city's many outdoor restaurants and sidewalk cafes.

  Occasionally referred to as the city of churches, adelaide offers all the world-class shopping and fine dining you'd expect of a european metropolis, but without the hassle of most big cities. transport here is quick and painless, and almost everything is within walking distance of the cbd. beyond the city limits, a dizzying assortment of wineries, historic townships and unspoilt beaches lie less than an hour away by car.

  Adelaide's population of just over a million is known for having a laidback nature - a disposition that belies the city's thriving arts culture. home to the biannual adelaide festival of the arts, and its grungier offshoot the adelaide fringe, the city presents a variety of cultural events year-round to an appreciative local audience as well as many visitors.

  阿得莱德是个具独特风格与充满著历史的城市。 市区街道规划整齐,绿意盎然。 随处可见典雅的维多利亚式及艾德华式建筑物及殖民地时代的房屋,至今仍保持的完好无缺,甚至连建筑物的游廊及铁制细工亦然。

  阿得莱德也是个吃喝玩乐的好地方,路边咖啡厅, 名设计师的精品店, 将阿德莱德装点的五光十色。 城市周围的著名葡萄产区,酿制出澳洲最佳的美酒;南澳的旗鱼和贝类海产,等您尝鲜;

  此外阿得莱德更为它的文化成就而感到自豪,每两年会举行盛大的节庆活动。 邀请国际知名的戏剧、音乐、舞蹈团体前来与会,参予精采的艺术和文化飨宴。

  阿得莱德 (adelaide) 拥有地中海式气候, 冬天潮湿而寒冷, 夏天干燥而炎热。 春天和秋天日夜天气都相当暖和, 夏天平均最高温度约为摄氏28度 (但内陆地区温度可高达40度),冬天温度则降至约摄氏15度。 平常可穿清爽的休闲衣服, 但日夜温差大,需要额外多加一件外衣。


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