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作者:O    文章来源:0    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-5 【我来说两句


  How have we been doing? In a word, dreadfully. For all the talk, not just the stock but the flow of emissions has been rising. The recession has helped. But we cannot – and, self-evidently, should not – rely on economic armageddon. As the IEA notes, energy-related CO2 emissions have increased from 20.9 gigatonnes (Gt) in 1990 to 28.8 Gt in 2007. The IEA forecasts CO2 emissions, on its “reference scenario”, at 34.5 Gt in 2020 and 40.2 Gt in 2030 – an average rate of growth of 1.5 per cent a year over the period. Crucially, developing and emerging countries “account for all the projected growth in energy- related emissions to 2030”, with 55 per cent of the increase coming from China and 18 per cent from India.

  The case for changing these trends soon is that the costs of curbing large rises in temperature would otherwise become extremely high or, at worst, prohibitive. The IEA argues that if the aim is to limit greenhouse gas concentrations to 450 parts per million, every year of delay in moving towards the required trajectory adds an extra $500bn of costs to the estimated global cost of $10,500bn. These costs result from the extremely long life of the capital assets used in power generation and the even longer life of CO2 in the atmosphere.

  The alternative scenario is quite different: instead of the 40.2 Gt of energy-related emissions in 2030, we would have just 26.4 Gt. The gap is huge. A briefing paper from the European Climate Foundation shows that the pledges made in advance of Copenhagen would not close it.* Even on the most optimistic view, current offers fall short by about a third of the reductions needed by 2020 for a pathway to a ceiling of 450 parts per million of CO2 equivalent.
  另一种情形截然不同:2030年,与能源有关的排放量将仅为264亿吨,而非402亿吨——差距非常悬殊。欧洲气候基金会(European Climate Foundation)的一份简报显示,各国在哥本哈根会议前所作的承诺不足以填补这一差距。即使按照最乐观的看法,要把二氧化碳当量浓度控制在450ppm以下,目前各项提议距离2020年所需的减排量还差三分之一左右。

  Copenhagen then would only be a beginning. It is likely not even to be that, since the US administration is unable to make binding commitments and developing countries are unwilling to do so. Yet Copenhagen seems the end of the beginning. Something close to agreement exists that the world should act. There is, equally, agreement that, despite the rhetoric, little useful has been achieved so far. The time for action is now – if not at Copenhagen, then soon after.


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