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作者:O    文章来源:0    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-5 【我来说两句


  Unfortunately, this does not mean that the right sort of agreement will emerge. The policies we employ must be as effective and efficient as possible. What does that mean? I would emphasise three criteria.

  First, we need prices for carbon that apply over relevant planning horizons. That price cannot be fixed forever, but must change with events. But it needs to be far more stable than in the European Union's market for permits (see chart). A tax seems more attractive to me than “cap and trade”, for this reason.

  Second, where the abatement occurs must be separated from who pays for it. Abatement needs to happen where it is most efficient. That is why emissions of developing countries must be included. But the cost should fall on the wealthy. This is as much because they can afford it as because they produced the bulk of past emissions.

  Finally, we need to develop and apply innovations in all relevant technologies. A paper from the Bruegel think-tank argues, persuasively, that merely raising prices on carbon emissions would reinforce the position of established technologies. We need large-scale subsidies for innovation as well.**

  Tackling the risk of climate change is the most complex collective challenge humanity has ever confronted. Success requires costly and concerted action among many countries to deal with a distant threat, on behalf of people as yet unborn, under unavoidable uncertainty about the costs of not acting. We have reached the point, however, where a broad consensus exists on the nature of the threat and the sorts of policies we need to follow to deal with it. We may not reach a deal in Copenhagen. But the time for decision has come. Either we act soon – or we finally discover whether the sceptics are right. If we fail to act, as seems likely, I hope they are. But I very much doubt it.

  * “Taking stock”, 17 November 2009, www.project-catalyst.info
  *“评估与反思”(Taking stock),2009年11月17日,www.project-catalyst.info

  ** “No green growth without innovation”, www.bruegel.org
  **“绿色增长离不开创新”(No green growth without innovation),www.bruegel.org

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