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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-10 【我来说两句



下面为大家介绍圣诞节必看的十部电影,方向标英语网提前祝福大家圣诞节快乐!Merry Christmas!

15 Must-See Movies This Christmas

NO.1 Film: Dances With Wolves (1990)


Inside everyone is a frontier waiting to be discovered.

The journey begins this November. Discover it for yourself.

Lt. John Dunbar is about to discover the frontier...within himself

Showing: Sat Dec 19, 4.30pm, BBC2

Why It's A Must-See: If ever a movie was doomed to failure on paper, it was this one. Clocking in at over three finger-wagging hours, it was heavily subtitled, rooted in an unfashionable period of history and helmed by a first-timer whose acting career had already showed signs of yo-yoing alarmingly.


And yet, somehow, Costner smashed it: Wolves’ expansive romance is shamelessly indulgent, yet just earthy enough to be utterly engrossing. The director was subsequently adopted as an honorary member of the Sioux nation, ferchrissakes.

Don’t Get Up For A Mince Pie...when Costner and his new-found buddies ride out on a horseback hunt among several hundred honking, stampeding, dust-kicking buffalo. A proper outdoorsy, traditional Western moment that neatly encapsulates the film’s sweeping themes of freedom, tension and violence.


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