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作者:Philip E…    文章来源:财富中文网    点击数:    更新时间:2013-5-19 【我来说两句


    After Apple's (AAPL) quarterly report last week nearly every analyst we heard from pointed out that the company's 37.5% gross margin -- the measure of how efficiently a company turns sales into profits -- was at very bottom of its 37.5%-to-38.5% forecast range.

    The analysts offered a variety explanations, but most attributed the reduced margins to increased competition from Samsung and other manufacturers of Android smartphones and tablets.

    But there's a simpler answer: China.

    I don't know who hit on this theory first, because Wall Street analysts never credit their competitors' scoops.

    • Asymco's Horace Dediu had it in a post called Margin Call 2 that was time-stamped Thursday, April 25 at 2:38 a.m.

    • Wells Fargo's Maynard Um offered the same explanation in a note to clients issued later that morning.

    • Morgan Stanley's Katy Huberty wrote about it on Tuesday April 30, five days later.

    The theory is this: On the last day of the quarter Tim Cook, to appease government-owned media outlets that for two weeks had been attacking Apple on a daily basis, issued an apology to his Chinese customers and changed Apple's warranty and return policies -- among other things, extending the warranties on any iPhone brought in for repair in China for a full year.

    At the same time, according to the company's SEC Form 10-Q, Apple booked $414 million in so-called warranty accruals to account for the impact of changes to certain unnamed "service policies and other estimated warranty costs." That $414 million came directly out of last quarter's iPhone revenue and reduced the company's overall gross margin by nearly 1 percentage point.

    Morgan Stanley's Huberty estimates that if it weren't for China's media campaign and Cook's response, Apple would have reported a gross margin of approximately 38.4% -- just shy of the top of its guidance range.

    How the market would have reacted the next day to the higher margins, we will never know.





    • 数据调查机构Asymco的贺拉斯•德迪乌在一篇名为“补仓2”的博客中提到这种观点,文章的时间为4月25日,星期四凌晨2:38。

    • 当天上午晚些时候,富国银行集团(Wells Fargo)的梅纳德•阿姆在一份客户报告中提供了相同的解释。

    • 五天以后,即4月30日星期二,摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的凯蒂•休伯蒂也发表了与此有关的文章。


    与此同时,在提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的Form 10-Q季度报表中,苹果公司登记了4.14亿美元所谓的应计保修开支,对个别未提及的改变“服务政策和其他估算保修成本”所产生的影响进行了解释。而这4.14亿美元直接来自上个季度iPhone手机所带来的收入,使公司的总体毛利率下降了1个百分点。





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