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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-17 【我来说两句



51. D  Her Eyes were red from excessive reading

52. A  must have gone

53. D  strong enough

54. C  what

55. B  as

56. C  Each they have bought the same book.

57. B  does he

58. D  and

59. C  he

60. A  hand in

61. D  the subject

62. C  Many his friends came to the party.

63.  A  The directors appointed John manager.

64.  D  yet

65.  B  not being tall

66.  B  conflict

67.  D  out

68.  C  particpants

69.  B  bitter

70.  D  decisive

71.  A  lately

72.  C  stagnant

73.  D  restricting

74.  D  touches

75.  A  indulgence

76.  C  accordingly

77.  B  very near

78.  D  make out

79.  A  generous

80.  C  scrambled


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