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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-8 【我来说两句

一 旅游景点


点:spot, site, resort, destination
名胜景点: scenic spot
历史古迹: historic site
名胜古迹:scenic spots and historic sites
避暑胜地: summer resort
游客必经之地:tourist destination
祭坛/圣坛 altar
亭阁  pavilion
楼 mansion
台 terrace
塔 pagoda, tower
殿堂 hall
陵墓 tomb, mausoleum
关 pass
石窟 grotto


故宫 the Imperial Palace
紫禁城 the Forbidden City
兵马佣 terror-cotta warriors/soldiers and horses
长城 the Great Wall
居庸关 Juyongguan Pass
不到长城非好汉 He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a man.


西湖 West Lake
苏堤 Su Causeway
白堤 Bai Causeway
灵隐寺 Temple of the Soul’s Retreat
飞来峰 Peak Flying from Afar
六和塔 Pagoda of Six Harmonies
虎跑泉 Tiger Spring

  二 饮食文化


美食节 gourmet festival
色、香、味、形俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance
Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine
风味小吃 local delicacy

  烹饪方法 (名词形式)

烹饪方法 Cooking Techniques
煎 pan-frying
炒 stir-frying
爆 quick-frying
炸 deep-frying
烩 stewing
熏 smoking
煨 simmering
煮 boiling
烘 baking
烤 roasting
蒸 steaming


片 slice
丝 shred
丁 dice


宴席酒类通称 wine
啤酒 beer
洋酒 wine
黄酒 yellow rice wine
白酒 white spirit
牛饮 take a swig
小酌 take a sip
敬酒 propose a toast to

  RPG: (课后口语练习,结合模块句型)

A new client comes to visit your company, but does not want to have dinner with you, claiming that he has something important to do. You should:
1). Recommend a restaurant to him/her.
2). Try to persuade him to have dinner with you.

  三  环境保护


世界环境日 World Environment Day (June 5th each year)
世界环境日主题 World Environment Day Themes
环境千年—行动起来吧!(2000) The Environment Millennium - Time to Act!
拯救地球就是拯救未来!(1999) Our Earth - Our Future - Just Save It!
为了地球上的生命—拯救我们的海洋!(1998)For Life on Earth - Save Our Seas!
为了地球上的生命(1997) For Life on Earth
我们的地球、居住地、家园(1996) Our Earth, Our Habitat, Our Home
国际生物多样性日 International Biodiversity Day (29 December)
世界水日 World Water Day (22 March)
世界气象日 World Meteorological Day(23 March)
世界海洋日 World Oceans Day (8 June )


废水 waste/polluted water
废气 waste/polluted gas
废渣 waste/polluted residue
全球变暖 global warming
温室效应 greenhouse effect
温室气体 greenhouse gas(es)
濒危野生动物 endangered wildlife
工业固体废物 industrial solid wastes
白色污染 white pollution (by using and littering of non-degradable white plastics)
有机污染物 organic pollutants
森林砍伐率 rate of deforestation
水土流失 water and soil erosion
土壤盐碱化 soil alkalization
环境恶化 environmental degradation
城市化失控 uncontrolled urbanization


中国环保基本政策 the basic policies of China’s environmental protection
预防为主、防治结合的政策 policy of prevention in the first place and integrating prevention with control
治理环境污染 curb environmental pollution; bring the pollution under control
可降解一次性塑料袋 throwaway bio-degradable plastic bags
垃圾填埋场 refuse landfill
垃圾焚化厂 refuse incinerator
防止过度利用森林 protect forests from overexploitation
水土保持 conservation of water and soil
水资源保护区 water resource conservation zone
造林工程 afforestation project
珍稀濒危物种繁育基地 rare and endangered species breeding center
绿化祖国 turn the country green
全民义务植树日 National Tree-Planting Day

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