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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-7-3 【我来说两句

篆书         seal script / seal character

隶书……      official script

行书          running script

草书……      cursive script

楷书……      regular script

拜年           pay a new year visit

爆竹、鞭炮     firecracker

除夕           Eve of Chinese new year

春联           spring couplets

辞旧迎新       bring out the old year and ring in the new 

饺子           boiled dumpling

锅贴           pot sticker

庙会           temple fair

鸣钟辞旧岁     ring out the old year

年画           traditional new year pictures

年夜饭         the eve feast / family reunion dinner on lunar new year's eve

年终大扫除     year end household cleaning

守岁           stay up late on the new year's eve

压岁钱         new year gift money / money given to children as a new year gift

舞龙           dragon dance

元宵           sweet sticky rice dumplings

花灯           festival lantern

灯谜           lantern riddle

狮子舞         lion dance

清明节          Pure Brightness Festival

扫墓            perform sacrifices to one's ancestors or relatives

祭祖            offer sacrifices to the ancestors

踏青            go for an outing in spring

赛龙舟          dragon-boat race

粽子            pyramid shaped dumpling made by glutinous rice wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves

亡灵            departed soul

忠臣            loyal minister

屈原            the poet

月饼            mooncake

赏月            appreciate the glorious full moon

桂花            sweet osmanthus

赏菊            admire the beauty of chrysanthemum

登高            climb mountain

中药            TCM(traditional chinese medicine)

秦始皇          the first emperor / emperor Qin

皇太后          empress dowager

汉高祖刘邦      founder of the Han dynasty (206 B.C---220 A.D)

文明摇篮        cradle of civilization

明清两代        Ming and Qing dynasties

中华文明        Chinese civilization

历史学家        historian

地理学家        geographer

江南水乡        the south of the lower reaches of Yangtse River

水乡景色        riverside scenery


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