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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-3-6 【我来说两句


Solon: legislator 立法者≈legislator; Congressman; Law-maker

Spark: To cause; to lead to action促使;导致≈trigger; prompt

Split: To divide 分离

Squeeze: Shortage, scarcity 紧锁

Stalemate: A disagreement that cannot be settled 僵局≈deadlock

Stall: Making no progress 使…停滞;陷入泥潭

Stance: Attitude, way of thinking 立场

Stem: To prevent or stop 阻止≈curb

Storm: Angry reaction, dispute 暴怒;猛冲

Strife: conflict 冲突

Sway: To influence or persuade 动摇;影响

Swindle: An unlawful way of getting money 诈骗 ≈fraud; scam

Switch: Change, deviation 变化

Swoop: Sudden attack or raid 突袭;≈assault; foray

Talks: discussion 谈判;negotiation; consultation

Thwart: To prevent from being successful 阻止;≈hinder, impede

Ties: relations 关系;≈links; bonds

Top: To exceed 超过; ≈surpass;

Tot: Child 孩子 Toddler 幼童

Trim:To cut 削减;slash 大幅削减

Trigger:To cause 导致,诱发;

Urge: insist, strongly request 敦促;呼吁; call for.。;

Vie:To compete 竞争

Void:To determine to be invalid 作废;使…无效;

Vow:To promise 宣誓,pledge; swear;

Walkout:Strike (often unofficial) ; stage a walkout 罢工

Wed: To marry 结婚

Wedlock: Marriage 婚姻

Weigh:To consider 斟酌了、考虑

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