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购物在美国Shopping in U.S

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Types of Shops 商店类型

First of all, it should be pointed out that shops in the western countries are somehow different with those in China. Basically, there are divided into three types: the large-scaled, well-decorated shopping malls and chain shops, the super markets and medium or small sized groceries, and those that exclusively deal with one area, such as books, household appliances, cosmetics, clothes, furniture, shoes, etc. Besides, there are also many dime shops that sell discounted goods. 

    It should be noted that in the United States, there is a kind of shops that are run by the church community who sell various types of goods at the lowest price. These shops are called the Salvation Army or Good Will Retailer Store. The merchandise here are mostly beneficences, which are marked "used". Frequent customers to these shops are poor people who can't afford expensive goods. 



    购物中心是shopping mall或者shopping center;chain shop是“联营公司”的意思;杂货店,我们可以说grocery或者grocery store;另外,折价商店和旧货店分别是discount shop和second-hand shop。

    百货商店,也就是department store,一般分成很多的营业部门,你可以从中买到服装、鞋帽、电器、厨房用具、工艺品、礼品、珠宝首饰……等等。不同档次的百货商店出售的商品价格和质量都不一样。百货商店经常举办减价销售,在此期间选择-部分商品减价出售。多数减价销售都会在地方报纸上刊登广告。一般说来,百货商店都设在商场里面,成为那里的支柱或“龙头店家”。

    折扣商店(discount store)经营的内容与百货商店大同小异,由于它们是大批量进货,(出售的商品有时也可能有点过时或不再流行),又因为店商的面积比较大、造价低廉装饰朴素,因此价格往往比百货商店要便宜一些。有些折扣商店必须交费成为成员,才能入内购物。如果你仔细观察,往往能在折扣商店发现价格低廉的“特价商品”(bargains或good buys)。


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