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Can I Get A Refund? 可以退货吗?

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Lisa: Excuse me, I want to return this shirt.
Clerk: What's the problem with it?
Lisa: It's too small.
Clerk: Didn't you try it on before you bought it?
Lisa: Well, as a matter of fact, I receive it as a gift.
Clerk: Then you are sure it came from our store?
Lisa: Yes, I am pretty sure. Don't you sell this item?
Clerk: Yes, we do. I'm afraid we don't give a refund, but we can give you credit toward another purchase in our store.
Lisa: No refunds? Well, in that case, I'll accept the credit.


1. 这段对话的内容是一位顾客在商店要求退货时的情景。尽管这位顾客确定衬衫是在那家店里买的,但店员表示,商店的商品一经售出,概不退款。因此,最后顾客只能接受商店开出的有价凭证在该店买一样其它的商品。

2. 这段对话的语言比较简单。refund是“退款,偿还”的意思,即可做名词,也可做动词,因此,表示对话中的意思,我们也可以说,I'm afraid we can't refund your purchase price. 另外,对话中的credit是商店为顾客开出的有价凭证。

3. 在购物时,遇到麻烦不会表达就会麻烦加麻烦。比如,“这个搅拌器不好用,能给我换一下吗?”如果说成“This blender doesn't work. Can you change?”就不对,因为“change”这个词后面应该跟一个宾语。所以,正确的说法是,“This blender doesn't work. Can you change it?”或者“Can I exchange this blender for another one?”不能说“Can I change for another one?”。再比如“这种电热毯的保修期有多长?”“保修期”英文是“warranty period”这句话应该说“How long is the warranty period of these electric blankets?”而不能说成“How long is the warranty period of this electric blanket?”。在这里,“these”代表一类商品,而不能用“this”将该物品同其它同类商品分开。

4. 当我们表示大、小号服装时,L 代表“large”,S 表示“small”,不过大家要注意,中号不能用“middle-size”,应该说“medium-size”。例如,“我想要一件中号衬衫。”就是“I'd like a medium-size blouse.”另外,“这条围巾我买下了,你以帮我包装一下吗?”的正确说法是“I'll take this scarf. Can you wrap it up for me?”而不要说,“I'll take this scarf. Can you pack it for me?”因为“pack”一词通常用在旅行前收拾行礼的时候。


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