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美国历史名人榜之John C. Calhoun

作者:stephen    文章来源:互联网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-5-23 【我来说两句

reas other Southern politicians had excused slavery as a necessary evil, in a famous February 1837 speech on the Senate floor, Calhoun asserted that slavery was a "positive good." He rooted this claim on two grounds—white supremacy and paternalism. All societies, Calhoun claimed, are ruled by an elite group which enjoys the fruits of the labor of a less-privileged group.

In that speech, he stated: "I may say with truth, that in few countries so much is left to the share of the laborer, and so little exacted from him, or where there is more kind attention paid to him in sickness or infirmities of age. Compare his condition with the tenants of the poor houses in the more civilized portions of Europe—look at the sick, and the old and infirm slave, on one hand, in the midst of his family and friends, under the kind superintending care of his master and mistress, and compare it with the forlorn and wretched condition of the pauper in the poorhouse."

After a one-year service as Secretary of State, (April 1, 1844 – March 10, 1845) Calhoun returned to the Senate in 1845. He participated in the epic political struggle over the expansion of slavery in the Western states. Regions were divided as to whether slavery should be allowed in the formerly Imperial Spanish and Mexican lands. The debate over this issue culminated in the Compromise of 1850.

During the Civil War, the Confederate government honored Calhoun on a one-cent postage stamp, which was printed but never officially released.

Calhoun was honored by Minneapolis, naming one of its Chain of Lakes, Lake Calhoun, after him.

Calhoun was also honored by his alma mater, Yale University, which named one of its undergraduate residence halls "Calhoun College" and erected a statue of Calhoun in Harkness Tower, a prominent campus landmark.

Clemson University campus, South Carolina, occupies the site of Calhoun's Fort Hill plantation, which he bequeathed to his wife and daughter. They sold it and its 50 slaves to a relative, for which they received $15,000 for the 1,100 acres (450 ha) and $29,000 for the slaves. (They were valued at about 600 USD apiece.) When that owner died, Thomas Green Clemson foreclosed the mortgage. He later bequeathed the property to the state for use as an agricultural college to be named after him.

A wide range of places, streets and schools were named after Calhoun, as may be seen on the above list. The "Immortal Trio" were memorialized with streets in Uptown New Orleans. Calhoun Landing, on the Santee-Cooper River in Santee, South Carolina, was named after him. The Calhoun Monument was erected in Charleston, South Carolina. The USS John C. Calhoun was a Fleet Ballistic Missile nuclear submarine, in commission from 1963 to 1994.

In 1957, United States Senators honored Calhoun as one of the "five greatest senators of all time."

约翰·卡德威尔·卡尔霍恩(John Caldwell Calhoun,1782年3月18日-1850年3月31日),美国政治家,南卡罗来纳州人。他是19世纪前半叶最著名的美国政治家之一。   虽然卡尔霍恩在美国南北战争爆发前十年就逝世了,但他是后来短命的美利坚联盟国的主要精神设计师。卡尔霍恩享有“铸铁人”之称,原因是他毫不动摇地坚持他的信仰。他提出了无效论的理论。这个极端理论的内容是任何州在认为任何联邦法律违反宪法的话可以宣称这个法律无效。他是奴隶制的强烈支持者。他维护奴隶制,说奴隶制是一个“正当的财产”,而不是一个必要的坏事。他对奴隶制的强烈维护是南方针对北方不断增强的反奴隶制态度开始威胁退出联邦的因素之一。   卡尔霍恩的这个遗产使得他与南方反叛息息相连。但是卡尔霍恩生前却始终为联邦政府服务。他在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区任多个高职。他是第七任美国副总统:首先任约翰·昆西·亚当斯(1825年至1829年)、后来任安德鲁·杰克逊(从1829年至1832年)的副总统。1832年辞职后任美国参议院议员,在参议院里他的势力更加加强。从1810年到1817年他还曾任美国众议院议员,从1817年到1824年美国战争部部长,从1844年到1845年美国国务卿。


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