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beaten track:老路,常走的路

作者:stephen    文章来源:世博英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-9-27 【我来说两句

beaten track

beaten是动词beat的过去分词,beat的基本意义是“打”,这恐怕大家都知道了。但在这里,beaten并不解释为“被打了的”,它具有另一种意义,它解释为“被路人的脚踏出了痕迹的”。track的意义是“路、小径”。因此,beaten track的字面意义便是“踏出了足迹的路”。这样的路自然是一条常有人走的路了,因而beaten track便转义为“老路”、“常走的路”。再进一步便用以比喻陈旧的、常规的方式方法:

As it is getting late, we’d better follow the route we are familiar with, and not go off the beaten track.

He hates to follow the beaten track in whatever he does and always surprises people with very original ideas of his.

This is the method that has been used for the past 50 years and so far no one has had the courage to go off the beaten track.


once in a blue moon

这个成语的真正意思很难从它的字面上去猜测,blue moon—蓝色的月亮,谁也没有见过蓝色的月亮,因为实际上根本不存在蓝色的月亮,因此,也许blue moon包含着“不可能”的意思吧!那么once in a blue moon的意思便是“在不可能的情况下偶尔发生一次”了,换句话说,它的意思就是“很难得、几乎不可以有”,相当于具有否定意义rarely, seldom这些副词:

He is not very keen on swimming. Only once in a blue moon do we meet him in the swimming pool.

He is very casual with the things he wears. You find him wearing a tie once in a blue moon.

His parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon.


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