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In the air:人人都感觉到的,未知

作者:stephen    文章来源:世博英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-9-28 【我来说两句

in the air

人们无时无刻不在吸入空气以求生存,这看不见、摸不到的空气充斥在我们的生活环境中。如果说空气中存在着什么的话,那么它必定是人人都能感觉到的。这便是in the air的第一种意义,即“人人都感觉到的”:

Christmas is still four weeks ahead, but a festival atmosphere is already in the air.

With the sky darkening and a wind rising, everybody felt a thunder storm was in the air, and started to run for shelter.

从另一方面来讲,存在于空气中的东西通常是只能感觉到而不能触及的,因此in the air还有“尚未落实、未能确定的意思”:

My 18th birthday comes in two weeks’ time but the birthday party is still in the air.


wash one’s dirty linen in public

每一个人,每一个家庭都免不了会有些自己认为不那么光彩而不愿意让别人知道的事情,这类事情在汉语中称为“家丑”例如家里有个不争气的成员留过班啦,小孩子在学校里行为不轨啦,这种家丑隐私在英语中被比喻为dirty linen(脏床单),弄脏了的床单最好是背着别人偷偷地洗,如果在大庭广众之中,众目睽睽之下洗,那就把丑事张扬出去,广而告之了。wash这个动词也可以换用air,即“晾、晒”的意思:

Uncle Albert has been to prison three times for theft. Father often warns us not to mention his name in the presence of strangers so as not to wash his dirty linen in public.

That lady does not seem to mind airing her dirty linen in public. She is talking so loudly on the bus about her quarrel with her husband.


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