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Take pot luck:有什么吃什么的意思

作者:stephen    文章来源:世博英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-9-28 【我来说两句

take pot luck

luck是人人都希望碰上的东西,做什么事都要靠点运气,pot是煮东西吃的大锅,pot luck自然是指在吃方面的运气,take pot luck就是在吃的方面碰碰运气,碰得巧就有好的吃,碰的不巧就没什么吃,也就是“有什么吃什么的意思”。这是在事先没有准备,临时请人回家吃饭时常说的一句话:

My wife doesn’t know you are coming to dinner with us. Let’s take pot luck.

I don’t know what they serve at this time of the night. Since this is the only restaurant around here, let’s take pot luck.

Pot luck除了指食物外,还可以引伸去指唯一的选择:

The temperature dropped suddenly. As I did not have much clothes with me, I had to take pot luck and bought whatever there was available.


wet behind the ears

中文中形容一个尚不成熟、缺乏经验、少不更事的人常用“初出茅庐”,“乳臭未干”,英语中则说wet behind the ears。中文中的这两种说法似乎都很易理解,但英语中用“耳朵后面是湿的”来表示不成熟、不老练,倒不知根据何在了。是否因为小娃娃的耳朵后面常 常是湿的呢?

He was new and wet behind the ears so he became the target of all those tricks of the other boys.

You are not the one to tell me what to do and what not to do. You’ve been here only three weeks and are still wet behind the ears.

It is true that you have been engaged in school learning in the past eighteen years. But once you step into society, you will find you are still wet behind the ears and there are many things you have got to learn yet.


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