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Pie in the sky:希望渺茫,不可能

作者:stephen    文章来源:世博英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-9-30 【我来说两句

此短语直译为『天国(上)的馅饼』,源自美国流行作曲家、世界产业工人联盟的组织者 Joe Hill 于 1911年所作的一首着名歌曲《传教士与奴隶》。


You will eat, bye and bye,
In the glorious land above the sky!
Work and pray, live on hay,
You'll get PIE IN THE SKY when you die!

这几句歌词是 Joe Hill 从美国救世军军歌中引用过来的,意在讽刺这个宗教组织,揭露其欺骗性和虚伪性,唤醒广大被压迫的奴隶。

后来人们就用 pie in the sky 比喻『渺茫的希望』和『不能保证实现的允诺』等意思。


play ducks and drakes with


Play ducks and drakes是一种大多数孩子都玩过的游戏,它和鸭子无关,却和水有关,在河滩边或湖边,孩子们在地上捡一些小石片,然后往水面上扔,比谁的石片在水面上跳得远。这种游戏就是play ducks and drakes。但加上介词with,作为一个成语来用,play ducks and drakes with却具有“挥霍,滥用”的意义。

间或也有人说play at ducks and drakes with或用动词make来代替play的:

Right after his father’s funeral, he started to play ducks and drakes with the money he had come into.

We should make the best use of the limited fund we have raised. No one is supposed to play ducks and drakes with it.

If we go on making ducks and drakes with the natural resources on earth, we’ll soon have to pay for our irresponsible actions.


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