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Fast and loose:朝三暮四,不专一

作者:stephen    文章来源:世博英语    点击数:    更新时间:2010-9-30 【我来说两句

play fast and loose

fast and loose是一对反义词,fast为“紧”,loose为“松”,两者都是副词。从字面上看不出play fast and loose是什么意思。但至少fast和loose这一对反义词给了我们一点启示,即“时紧时松、经常变化、缺乏一贯”。正是如此,play fast and loose是一个表示某些人的作为和处世态度的成语,有些人对友谊、对工作、对政治、对爱情不是始终不渝,而是朝三暮四,一日一变,这样的做法即为play fast and loose,当然,这是一种很不可取的处世态度:

Mary’s mother warns her that the boy with whom she has been going out recently has a bad reputation of playing fast and loose with the affection of girls.

The two political parties both refused to admit him for he had played fast and loose with either of them.


give (free) rein to

rein指的是套在马身上的缰绳,驾车的人拉着缰绳便控制着马的前进方向,因此,rein便含有control的意思,give (free) rein to somebody的意思是“把缰绳交给某人,让某人自由地去驾驭”,意即“把控制权交给某人,让某人按自己的意愿去自由地行动”,有时它甚至可以具有“放任、纵容”的意思:

Our principal is very liberal-minded. He gives free rein to the teachers in the way they teach and evaluate their students.

Do you think it advisable for parents to give free rein to their teenage children so as to develop their individuality?

When left alone in her room in the evening, she stared out of the window at the starry night sky and gave rein to her imagination.


sour grapes


She said that Jane’s new coat was old-fashioned and not worth the money she had paid for it. I think it is a case of sour grapes because I know she had been longing for such a coat all the time.

John said he was more interested in the competition itself than in the prize. Obviously it was sour grapes to him.



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