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Drive me to the airport.送我到飞机场。

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-10-18 【我来说两句


1.Did you call a cab?您叫车吗?

2.Are you engaged?这两出租车有人用吗?

3.Drive me to the airport. 送我到飞机场

Could you drop me off on that corner?



No tears in the writer,no tears in the reader.

----Robert Frost




1. 有时候一件事似乎就能折射全部的人生。
Sometimes a single event can seem to mirror all of life.

2. 20世纪30年代的大萧条时期是一段空前的金融困境。
The Great Depression of the 1930’s was a time of unparalleled financial hardship.

3. 没有任何作家能比约翰·斯坦贝克更生动地描写出经历20世纪30年代的大萧条时期是什么样的感受。
No writer more vividly captures what it was like to live through the Great Depression of the 1930’s than John Steinbeck.

4. 一次道路漫长、路线复杂、充满了迂回绕路和错误的转弯的旅途可以被看做是代表了成长的历程。
One long and complicated journey with many detours and wrong turns might be seen as representing the experience of growing up.

5. 作家的主题很少直接陈述出来,相反,它是通过人物的评论和行动、情节中的事件和作者对于诸如象征之类的文学手法的应用而间接地揭示出来的。
An author’s theme is rarely directly stated. Instead, it is revealed indirectly through the character’s comments and actions, the events in the plot, and the author’s use of literary devices, such as symbols.

6. His operas are characterized by their adventurous harmonic language and their innovative intermarriage of music and drama.(英译汉)


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