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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-11-23 【我来说两句

Mismatch, 是不协调、实力悬殊的意思。"The game is a huge mismatch," 比赛双方实力相差甚远。"There is a mismatch between supply and demand in the housing market," 房地产市场上存在供需失衡的状态。

美国九月份的失业率接近百分之十,但是与此同时,护士和工程师等领域又有很多空缺职位没有人填补。"Experts say the mismatch between job openings and qualified job seekers is likely to persist even as the economy revives," 专家预计,即使经济开始复苏,这种工作空缺和合格人选之间的不平衡状态也会继续下去。


Rock bottom, 最低水平。"His acting career has hit rock bottom," 他的演艺事业陷入了谷底。纽约棒球扬基队明星选手A-Rod承认,"I hit rock bottom this spring," 今年春天是我的低谷。"She was at rock bottom when she filed for divorce," 她提出离婚时,生活陷入了最低潮。

"The prices of real estate markets had nearly hit rock bottom," 房地产市场的价格已经几乎触底。然而,"House sales volumes are still at rock bottom," 房屋销量依旧处于最低点。


Damage control, 意思是尽量减少破坏的程度。美国晚间脱口秀主持人莱特曼因为卷入性丑闻不断道歉。"David Letterman is in damage control mode," 莱特曼努力减小不良影响。

美国副总统拜登本月底计划出访捷克和波兰。有分析认为,这跟不久前美国决定搁置原定在这两个国家内建立导弹防御系统的计划有关。"The White House denied that Biden's trip to eastern Europe is a damage control mission," 但是白宫否认拜登的东欧之行是为了减少负面影响


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