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speak out的用法:公开发表意见

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-11-23 【我来说两句

Speak out, 公开发表意见。美国总统奥巴马荣获诺贝尔和平奖让很多人感到意外。"In a rare move, four of the Nobel jury's five judges spoke out to defend their selection," 诺贝尔和平奖评奖委员会五个评委中有四个人罕见地公开发表意见,为他们选择奥巴马提出辩护。

美国著名保守派广播脱口秀主持人拉什.林博考虑收购圣路易斯公羊橄榄球队。消息传出后,"Many NFL players have spoken out against Rush Limbaugh's attempt," 很多美式足球大联盟的选手都公开反对林博的收购计划。


Hoax, 骗局、恶作剧。美国警方证实,上星期的“气球男孩”事件是一起事先策划的恶作剧, "The police have confirmed that the 'balloon boy' incident was a hoax." 俄

亥俄州一名女子在一家服装商店声称中了六和彩,愿意为所有五百美元以下的消费买单。"It turned out to be a hoax and caused angry customers to loot the store," 结果证明是一场骗局,受骗的消费者一气之下,洗劫了这家服装商店。德克萨斯一名美军士兵为开小差,设计绑架案,结果被判三年徒刑, "A Texas soldier was sentenced to three years in prison for a kidnapping hoax."


Speak volumes, 意思是充分说明。"The standing ovation at the end of his speech spoke volumes of his popularity," 他讲话结束后,全场听众起立鼓掌,充分显示了他受欢迎的程度。"His body language spoke volumes about his disappointment," 他的肢体语言充分显示了他的失望程度。

"He refused to comment on the report, but his angry look spoke volumes," 他拒绝对报道发表评论,但是他愤怒的表情充分说明了问题。


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