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Justin Williams-Lying歌词

作者:stephen    文章来源:Justin Williams    点击数:    更新时间:2012-7-13 【我来说两句

Justin Williams 是美国偶像American Idol 第9季Boston海选区的选手,之前他也参加过美偶第8季,当时还和美国偶像第8季冠军Kris Allen,以及Matt Giraud组成了一个叫White Chocolate的组合。6岁的Justin Williams就和音乐结下了特殊的感情,不仅仅是唱歌,渐渐的也开始创作自己的音乐。但在他青春朝阳的年纪就不得不面对一个残酷的现实,年仅20岁的他被确诊患了癌症。可日子还要继续,随着音乐事业的搁浅,Justin Williams开始和癌症展开抗争,经过了无数次的化疗和手术,其中的艰难不难想象。今天的他终于摆脱了病魔,从中获得的自信和启发给Justin Williams一个全新的开始,也影响了他的听众。

Justin Williams - Lying


Give me a second to think
I need a minute to myself would that be ok?

Cause it hurts every time I breathe
Your words, I'm trying to listen to
But I can't hear a thing

I'm trying but I just don't believe
Intuition has always been a friend
Has never let me down
And I want you to know

Something inside me says
It's screaming inside my head
Your lying, you're lying.

And I could be wrong,
But the feelings strong
Your lying, you're lying

Should I give you another chance?
And how can this heart of mine resist
Your sweet seductive kiss
When your lips are not just mine anymore

Can I live like this?
Love without its bliss
I'm going crazy, I'm going crazy

Gotta find my way
To the truth somehow
Gotta stop this now
Cause i'm going insane
Gotta find it out
I'm so filled with, i'm so filled with doubt

Give me a second to think
I need a minute to myself
Would that be ok?


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