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Mental Conflict《心灵冲突》英文版

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-19 【我来说两句

心灵冲突(Mental Conflict)英文简介:
As earthquakes expose geological faults, so mental conflict reveals tendencies to rupture within the mind.
Dissension is rife not only between people but also within them, for each of us is subject to a contrariety of desires, beliefs, motivations, aspirations.
What image are we to form of ourselves that might best enable us to accept the reality of discord, or achieve the ideal of harmony?

          Greek philosophers offer us a variety of pictures and structures intended to capture the actual and the possible either within a reason that fails to be resolute, or within a split soul that houses a play of forces.
Reflection upon them alerts us to the elusiveness at once of mental reality, and of the understanding by which we hope to capture and transform it.
Studying in turn the treatments of Mental Conflict in Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and the Stoics, A.W. Price demonstrates how the arguments of the Greeks are still relevant to philosophical discussion today.


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