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Washington Square《华盛顿广场》英文版

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-4-27 【我来说两句

James's astute story of a plain heiress and the poor, handsome suitor who may or may not love her only for her wealth ...

James credits the young woman from the start with nothing more Oscar-worthy than a certain dull ordinariness. -- Entertainment Weekly

Short novel by Henry James, published in 1880 and praised for its depiction of the complicated relationship between a stubborn father and his daughter.

The novel's main character, Catherine Sloper, lives with her widowed aunt and her physician father in New York City's fashionable Washington Square district. A plain, rather stolid young woman, Catherine is a disappointment to her father.

She is courted by Morris Townsend, who is interested only in her potential inheritance.

When her father threatens to disinherit her if she marries the fortune hunter, Townsend abandons her.

Many years later, after her father's death, Townsend reappears and attempts to renew his suit. Catherine rejects him and lives on as a confirmed spinster in her Washington Square house.


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