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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-12-12 【我来说两句

 The man somehow regains control, and the Model A rolls on. The child has disappeared in the rearview mirror, but the man’s body is still affected, thinking of how close he came to tragedy. The jolt of 26)adrenalin has forced his heart to pump furiously and this heart is not a strong one and the pumping leaves him drained. The man feels 27)dizzy and his head drops 28)momentarily. His automobile nearly collides with another. The second driver honks, the man veers again, spinning the wheel, pushing on the 29)brake pedal. He skids along an avenue then turns down an alley. His vehicle rolls until it collides with the rear of a parked truck. There is a small crashing noise. The headlights 30)shatter. The impact smacks the man into the steering wheel. His forehead bleeds. He steps from the Model A, sees the damage, then collapses onto the wet pavement. His arm throbs. His chest hurts. It is Sunday morning. The alley is empty. He remains there, unnoticed, slumped against the side of the car. The blood from his 31)coronary arteries no longer flows to his heart. An hour passes. A policeman finds him. A medical examiner pronounces him dead. The cause of death is listed as “heart attack.” There are no known relatives.
    In a city 32)morgue, one worker calls another worker over to marvel at the blue skin of the newest arrival.
    “You see?” the Blue Man whispered, having finished the story from his point of view. “Little boy?”
    Eddie felt a shiver.
    “Oh no,” he whispered.
    “Please Mister . . .” Eddie pleaded. “I didn’t know. Believe me . . . God help me, I didn’t know.”

The Blue Man nodded. “You couldn’t know. You were too young.”
    Eddie stepped back. He squared his body as if 33)bracing for a fight.
    “But now I gotta pay,” he said.
    “To pay?”
    “For my sin. That’s why I’m here, right? Justice?”
    The Blue Man smiled. “No, Edward. You are here so I can teach you something. All the people you meet here have one thing to teach you.”
    Eddie was skeptical. His fists stayed clenched.
    “What?” he said.
    “That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.”



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