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《古希腊戏剧合辑》Ancient Greek Drama

作者:stephen    文章来源:英文阅读网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-12-7 【我来说两句



I. Aeschylus

i. Agamemnon

ii. Prometheus Bound

iii. The Choephori

iv. The Eumenides

v. The Persians

vi. The Seven against Thebes

vii. The Suppliants


II. Sophocles

i. The Oedipus Trilogy

ii. Philoctetes


III. Euripides

i. Alcestis

ii. Andromache

iii. Electra

iv. Hecuba

v. Helen

vi. Heracles

vii. Hippolytus

viii. Ion

ix. Iphigenia at Aulis

x. Iphigenia in Tauris

xi. Medea

xii. Orestes

xiii. Rhesus

xiv. The Bacchantes

xv. The Cyclops

xvi. The Heracleidae

xvii. The Phoenissae

xviii. The Suppliants

xix. The Trojan Women


IV. Aristophanes

i. Lysistrata

ii. Peace

iii. Plutus

iv. The Acharnians

v. The Birds

vi. The Clouds

vii. The Ecclesiazusae

viii. The Frogs

ix. The Knights

x. The Thesmophoriazusae

xi. The Wasps


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