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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-30 【我来说两句

The Century’s Greatest Minds Albert Einstein

本世纪最伟大的智者 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦

The scientific touchstones of the modern age——the Bomb, space travel, electronics, Quantum physics——all bear his imprint.

Einstein had conjured the whole business, it seemed. He did not invent the “thought experiment”, but he raised it to high art. Imagine twins , wearing identical watches; one stays home, while the other rides in a spaceship near the speed of light … little wonder that from 1919, Einstein was——and remains today——the world’s most famous scientist.

爱因斯坦好象改变了所有的事情。他没发明什么“思维的实验”,但他将其提升到新高度:试想一对双胞胎,带着相同的手表;一个呆在家里,同时另一个在飞船中以近光速运动… …毫无疑问,自从1919年至今,爱因斯坦一直是世界最知名的科学家。

In his native Germany he became a target for hatred . As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti-semites. His was now a powerful voice, widely heard, always attended to , especially after he moved to the U.S. He used it to promote zionism, pacifism, in his secret 1939 letter to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the construction of a uranium bomb.

Meanwhile, like any demigod, he made bits of legend: that he failed math in school (not true). That he opened a book and found an uncashed $1,500 check he had left as a bookmark (maybe---he was absentminded about everyday affairs).That he was careless about socks, collars, slippers … that he couldn’t even remember his address: 112 Mercer Street in Princeton, where he finally settled.

同时,像每个名人一样,他制造了一些传闻;在学校中数学不及格(八成不是真的)。他翻开书却发现一张没兑现的$1500的支票被当成书签扔在里面(或许他对日常的事务心不在焉)。他不在意自己的袜子,领口和拖鞋… …甚至他想不起自己最后定居的住址:普林斯顿莫色尔大街112号。
He died there in 1955 And after the rest of Einstein had been cremated, his brain remained, soaking for decades in a jar of formaldehyde belonging to Dr. Thomas Harvey. No one had bothered to dissect the brain of Freud, Stravinsky or Joyce, but in the 1980s, bits of Einsteinian gray matter were making the rounds of certain neurobiologists, who thus learned … absolutely nothing. It was just a brain——the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension, that banished the ether, that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time, that refused to believe God played dice.



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