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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-7 【我来说两句

A hero is being hung down from a helicopter some 200 feet above. As the sun bets down, he swings about. Suddenly, a top needle of a skyscraper is pressing toward him. He fails to dodge and bumps heavily on the concrete needle.


This stimulating shot impressed in numerous Jackie Chan fans. Now it’s the “ rush hour” to be repaid for that devotion for him. As an Asia’s favorite action hero, he has finally conquered Hollywood. Rush Hour, Chan’s new made-in-America blockbuster, rocketed to the top of the charts on its opening weekend in the United States, winning an unexpected cross-over audience. In three days, the box-office tally was $33 million—the highest weekend gross ever for New Line Cinema. Now in its sixth week in American theatres, the film, directed by Brett Ratner, has so far taken in more than $117 million.


Chan had already scored when such films as Rumble in the Bronx and First Strike were released in mainstream theatres in the U. S., and not just in Chinatown and specialty video stores. Now Rush Hour has turned Jackie Chan into a household name the way Enter the Dragon made a legend of Bruce Lee.


The bi-racial pairing and good cop/bad cop storyline are predictably formulaic — Chan is Chinese and co-star Chris Tucker is black — similar to such films as the Lethal Weapon series starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. Yet the producers have wisely focused on the strengths of the two stars: Tucker’s hilarious, rapid-fire jive-talk, and Chan’s nimble derring-do in tight spaces and high places.

两个种族的角色搭档以及红白脸式的故事情节不免有些俗套—— 成龙是中国人而联袂明星克里斯·塔克是黑人——这就像是《致命武器》中的影星梅·吉布森和丹尼·格洛弗。然而制片商明智地看中了这两个影星的长处:塔克滑稽搞笑,妙语连珠,而成龙无论高空狭隙都身手敏捷,艺胆过人。

The film begins in Hong Kong on the eve of the hand-over as Han, a mainland Chinese diplomat, is dispatched to Los Angeles as consul general. A gangster promptly kidnaps Han’s darling daughter — and demands $50 million as ransom.

本片开始于香港回归前夕,当晚一名被派驻洛杉矶当总领事的大陆外官韩路经此地。一名歹徒随即绑架了韩的宝贝女儿— 并索要五千万美元的赎金。


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