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作者:stephen    培训来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-3-2 【我来说两句

Excellent Teachers+ Scientific Teaching System=Training from EST

联系电话: 29665205,29639113
地址:宝安新中心区 天悦龙庭 天龙阁 10B座

Dr. Manny is an experienced and enthusiastic teacher. In addition to holding a bachelors, masters, and doctoral degrees from the U .S .A. Dr. Brand has the Trinity Certificate in the teaching of English as a second language. Dr. Brand is an American and has lived in China for eight years. He is especially effective with Chinese students in helping them learn English.
    Manny, 美国资深语言老师,取得美国博士学位并且持有国际教师资格证书。在中国有近十年的教学经验,于2006年创建魔捷克英语培训学校,Manny校长把国际上最流行的教学方法----互动交际法引进魔捷克英语, 主张“英语是交流出来的”通过与别人交流不断巩固所学单词和语法结构,在与别人交谈中不断“温故而知新”,Manny 希望魔捷克能帮助越来越多的学员告别“哑巴英语”,实现多年的梦想----说一口流利地道的英语!

Naomi is a well-experienced teacher in teaching adult English learners speaking and listening. She believes that learning is achieved by making mistakes, and that’s why she tries to provide an relaxing atmosphere for the learners where they can talk a lot in the class. She feels greatful that she can do something for the ones who are eager to improve their English.


Ava , English major, is an out-going girl who has been teaching English for two years. She loves education. She is student-service minded, and there is nothing that makes her happier than a satisfied student interested. She has experience in teaching listening, speaking,reading and writing.There are a lot of interesting activities in her classes which can attract students.She is very humorous when she teaches.She always says“Enjoy English,Enjoy life!”

Nancy , English major, graduated from Wuhan University of Science and Engneering. She’s an easygoing girl who is preoccupied with teaching and communicating with various kinds of people. And in her spare time, she likes doing sports, such as basketball,badminton and so on.In her class, you can be a merchant, a doctor, an artist or even a criminal as long as you can open your mouth and blurt out English.She will be your friends and help you to improve your English in a lot of ways,for example,playing interesting games,having a debate or holding an English speech competition.
With endless passion,She’s convinced that you can make a miracle on your way of studying English with her.


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