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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2008-12-10 【我来说两句

3.In Labor 生小孩
A: My wife is in labor!
B: Here, Ma’am please get on the stretcher.
A: Is Doctor Hawkins here? She’s our doctor. We called her from the car.
B: Calm down, sir. We’ll call her to make sure she’s on the way.
A: Thanks. Sorry. It just came as such a surprise. The baby isn’t due for another two weeks.
B: How long has she been in labor?
A: About fifteen minutes.
B: O.K. Are you planning on being in the delivery room sir?
A: Yes.
B: Please follow the nurse. She’ll get you ready.
A: 我的妻子要生小孩了。
B: 这里,女士,请到担架上来。
A: 霍金斯医生在这儿吗?她是我们的医生。我们在车上给她打了电话。
B: 别急,先生。我们回答电话给她看她是否在路上。
A: 谢谢。很抱歉,事情很突然。预产期不在接下来这两周内。
B: 这样多久了?
A: 大约15分钟。
B: 好的,你们打算去产房吗,先生?
A: 是的。
B: 请跟着护士去。她会为你们准备好的。

Part Three: Substitution Drills

1. Are you (all right? / o.k.? / awake?)

2. He’s not (answering/ responding/ waking up).

3. Someone has (passed out/ become unconscious/ blacked out).

4. That’s a nasty (infection/ cough/ bruise) you have.

5. Is there anything you can give me to (get rid of it, / to make it go away, / to keep it from getting worse,) Doctor?

6. What floor is the (pharmacy/ emergency room/ clinic) on?

7. We (called/ phoned/ rang) her from the car.

8. How long (has she been in labor? / ago did he stop breathing? / has he been like this?)

9. It just came as such a (surprise/ shock).
真是很(突然/ 让人吃惊)。

10. The baby isn’t due for another (two weeks/ month/ day or two).


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