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I can't help it,sir.我也无能为力,先生。

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2010-11-2 【我来说两句

  I can't help it, sir.  我也无能为力,先生。

    You've got no ID card, boy!  你是小孩吧,怎么没带身份证呀。

    But I'll pay. Why not?  但是我付钱啊,不行吗?

    You're way behind schedule.  你比预定的落后了。

    Get out of the car! You're drunk.  下车,你这家伙!喝醉了吧!

    Sorry, sir. But it's our graduation day.  对不起,不过,今天是毕业的日子嘛。

    Fly me to Cuba. I hijack the plane.  飞往古巴。这架飞机我要了!(劫机,好可怕呀。)

    Give me the rocket and boat, and I'll give you a sucker.  把那火箭和快艇给我,我就给你棒棒糖。

    Don't trust him, he's lying.  别相信他,他在乱盖。

    Son! Don't make suck a noise when you eat.  儿子,吃饭的时候不可以发出声音。

    Hi, thief! Would you stop that music for me?  喂,小偷兄,你能替我把音乐关掉吗?

    Who is it? Come down.  是谁?下来。

    Who cares!  我不在乎!

    I don't care what you say.  我不在乎别人怎么说。

Oh, No, No…… (1)

    Oh, no! Not today, please!  哦,不要!今天就饶了我吧。

    No, Jack. You must go on.  不行,杰克。你必须继续下去。

    Hello! I'm from ABC Insurance. May I speak to you?  您好,我是从ABC保险公司来的。我可以跟您谈谈吗?

    Nobody's at home.  家里面没人。

    No. Can't you see that rocket is almost falling down.  不。你不知道火箭快要倒下来了吗?

    Make love not war!  要爱情不要战争。(美国反越战时期的口号。)

    No, No. You can't do it like that.  不行,不行。不能随你那样做。

    You must go to the moon. It's your duty.  你必须上月球去,这是你的职责。

    We won't go to war.  我们不希望诉诸于战争。

    Stop it, Apollo!  阿波罗计划中止了。

    I don't like working on Sunday.  我不喜欢在星期天工作。

    This is our play road.  这里是我们游戏的地方。

    We don't like them to pass through here.  我们不希望汽车通过这里。 Oh, No, No…… (2)

    I'm not kidding, I love you!  我是认真的,我爱你!

    No. Behave yourself, Jack.  别胡闹,杰克。(重重一击)

    Why don't you turn off the stupid program?  何不把无聊的节目关掉?

    No, I can't go to bed till she says "Good night" to me.  不,除非她向我道晚安,不然我睡不着。

    Take it. Otherwise you can't go on the trip.  喝了它,不然你不能继续旅行了。

    You can't stay in bed, darling!  亲爱的,你不能老呆在床上呀。

    Nope. To hell with the breakfast.  不啦,吃早点干什么呀。

    Be a man!  要像个男子汉!

    No. He'll slaughter me.  不,他会宰了我的。

    Can't you fight, weakling?  你不能战斗了?胆小鬼。

    Let's go dancing.  我们跳舞去吧。

    No. We're supposed to go to the movies.  不,我们决定去看电影了。

    I will die before I'll eat that carrot.  如果要我吃胡萝卜,我宁愿去死。

    No, I'm sorry, sir. We don't accept checks.  先生,对不起,我们不接受支票

Rumors Fly……

    We'd better not go out tomorrow, son.  孩子,我们明天最好不要出去。

    According to the weather report, tomorrow Lost Angeles will be partly cloudy with occasional rain shower.  根据天气预报,洛杉矶明天将是阴天偶雨居多。

    But the yesterday's forecast reported it'd be fine.  不过,昨天的预报说是会放晴的。

    In fifty years there'll be twenty people per square yard, it is written here.  这里写着,再过五十年每平方码将要住着20人的人口密度。

    The fallout will probably infect millions.  辐射尘可能对数百万人造成影响。

    Is it true, darling?  这是真的吗,亲爱的?

    They say everything.  他们什么事都说。

    They say there's a traffic accident in front of us.  据说在我们前方发生了车祸。

    Rumor says I won't get any insurance.  根据传闻,我无法领到保险金了。

    John had a rough time last night.  约翰昨晚好像挺轰轰烈烈的样子。

    Somebody said she's not.  有人说她还是小姑独处哪。

    No, I heard she's married with two kids.  不,我听说她已使君有夫,还有两个孩子。

    Everybody talks about me.  大家都在谈论着我。How Big……? (1)

    My mountain is higher than your molehill.  我的山要比你的丘陵高。

    He is eating a lot.  他吃了很多。

    Is it big or small, daddy?  爸爸,它是大的还是小的?

    How can it be so small and heavy?  这样小何以这么重呀?

    Heh, heh, my bag is large but light.  哈,哈,我的袋子虽然大,但是轻啊。

    We're driving faster than you.  我们驾驶的比你快。

    We can go faster than yesterday, I guess.  我想我们可能比昨天走得远。

    The little car has lots of room.  这小汽车有许多空间。

    The bus is bigger than other cars, but too crowded.  巴士虽然比小汽车大,但是太拥挤了。

    You're big and fat, and I'm little and skinny.  你虽然大而胖,但我却小而瘦。(little and skinny:娇小玲珑)

    Why are you so much taller than I?  你为什么个子比我高那么多?

    Why are you so short?  你为什么那么矮呀?


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