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京剧相关英语介绍Beijing Opera

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-4-11 【我来说两句

Four Famous Dan Actors 四大名旦
  Stage Props in Peking Opera 京剧道具
  Types of Facial Make-up in Beijing Opera 京剧脸谱
  Roles in Beijing Opera 京剧的角色
  Xipi and Erhuang 西皮和二簧
  Wenchang and Wuchang 文场和武场
  Piao You and Xia Hai 票友和下海
  Longtao and Figurant "龙套”和 “跑龙套”
  Qiba “起霸”
  Liangxiang “亮相”

In 1927, an open selection of the top Dan actors, sponsored by the Shuntian Times newspaper, was launched. As a result, Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), Shang Xiaoyun (1900-1976), Cheng Yanqiu and Xun Huisheng (1900-1968) were the most outstanding in the selection, and were named the four most famous Dan actors of Peking Opera at this time, each having his own unique characteristics in regard to action, expression and music. In addition, each had his own special repertoire, and these have been handed down from generation to generation. Eventually, they formed the four main schools of Peking Opera.

Later, groups of excellent young actors were active on the opera stages, among whom the most famous were: Li Shifang, Zhang Junqiu, Mao Shilai and Song Dezhu, selected by the Liyan Newspaper. Each of the four had his own special repertoire, and their wonderful performances were well received by the mass. Eventually, they were recognized as the four sub-leading Dan actors of Peking Opera.

China entered the modern era amidst turbulence and change in the 20th century. The Revolution of 1911 put an end to the 2,000-year rule of the feudal dynasties. Thus there was a spate of famous actors and actresses and schools of Peking Opera in the early decades of this century. 



     四小名旦 继“四大名旦”以后,二十世纪30年代又有一批旦行演员脱颖而出。


As mentioned earlier, specific types of facial make-up in Beijing Opera are put on the actors' faces to symbolize the personalities, characteristics, and fates of the roles.
Usually, red faces have positive meanings, symbolizing brave, faithful, and wise men. Another positive color is purple, which signifies wisdom and bravery.
Black faces, for their part, usually have neutral meanings, symbolizing just brave men; however, they can also represent uprightness.
Blue and green faces also have neutral meanings that symbolize the hero of the bush, with the former also hinting at strength and intrepidity.
Meanwhile, yellow and white faces have negative meanings that symbolize ferocious, treacherous, and crafty men.
Finally, gold and silver faces symbolize mysteriousness, and stand for monsters or gods.



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