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作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2011-10-11 【我来说两句

The blood, the gore and the awkward love triangle will finally return this Sunday on AMC.

Indeed, The Walking Dead is nearly back, as it airs its 90-minute season two premiere on October 16. What can fans expect from the episode titled "What Lies Ahead?" Look for the action to go rural, as the group leaves Atlanta and encounters an unusual threat on the highway.

《行尸走肉》第二季即将归来,10月16日(北京时间10月17日)的首播将会是长达1个半小时的首播集。第二季第一集的题目是“What Lies Ahead?(前方有什么?)”,观众们从这个标题里能看出什么端倪?从城市转战乡村,这一对幸存者离开亚特兰大后又将会在高速公路上遇到怎样不同寻常的威胁呢?



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