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情人节礼物英语文章Valentine's Day gift

作者:stephen    文章来源:方向标英语网    点击数:    更新时间:2009-2-11 【我来说两句


If you have the uneasy feeling that your husband is having an extramarital affair, Valentine's Day is the ideal time to confirm what you suspect. The Valentine's Day gift he gives his mistress or the gift he receives from her in return, can provide you with proof of his infidelity.

If your husband has a lover he's certain to buy her a Valentine's Day gift; whether he receives one in return or not. This could prove to be his undoing. An observant wife can find valuable clues about her husband's infidelity, if she knows what to look for and where to look.

He Has to Give His Mistress a Gift

A husband can get away with giving his wife a last-minute card and a hastily purchased box of chocolates. But it's almost a sure bet that on Valentine's Day, he'll give his mistress a special gift. And it won't be a cheap token of his affection. If he wants to stay in her good graces (and in her bed) he has to buy an impressive gift.

A Valentine's Day gift suitable for a mistress will cost a cheating husband a nice piece of change. Regardless of whether he pays by cash, check or charge, there will usually be a paper trail. If you know what to look for and where to look, you'll find evidence of his spending somewhere.

What to Look For

Have there been any suspicious withdrawals from your bank accounts? Check the time period shortly before or after Valentine's Day. What about unexplained ATM withdrawals around this time?

Check your credit card statements for the month of February. Call Customer Service and ask them to give you the most recent charges made on the account. Be alert for charges made at jewelry stores, women's specialty stores, or boutiques, florists, day spas, restaurants and the like. Pay special attention to any charges made on February 14th.

Check your husband's wallet, pockets, backpack, or briefcase for charge slips or store receipts. If you find evidence of gift items which you didn't personally receive, it should sound a warning bell. If your husband didn't give the gifts to you, who did he give them to?

Where Else to Look

Check various places in and around your Home for hidden gifts -- under the bed, in the back of a file cabinet or dresser drawer, on the back of the closet floor, or on a seldom used shelf.

Don't forget to search the car too. Look underneath the seat, in the trunk, in the glove compartment and in the tire well.

If you find a hidden gift, don't jump to conclusions unless it's obvious the gift is not for you (too large, too small, a color or style that he knows you wouldn't wear, or has another woman's name attached).

If Valentine's Day passes and you haven't received the hidden gift (but it's now gone), then it's obvious that he gave the gift to someone else. Make it your Business to find out who.


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